Cynthia selin
Scholar, Foresight Expert, Strategy Consultant
Scholar, Foresight Expert, Strategy Consultant
Dr. Selin's publications include peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books, and other works that include white papers and major project reports. Her writing on futures, anticipatory governance, and foresight practices has appeared in esteemed academic journals and in works by major publishers. The following list provides an extensive bibliography and includes hyperlinks to many of the pieces.
Barlevy, D., S. Morain, H. Manley, J.P. Nelson, L. Lambert, C. Selin & C.T. Scott. 2023. "Expert Insights and Foresights on Human Genome Editing." Rutgers Journal of Bioethics., vol. XIV.
Nelson, J.P. & C. Selin. 2023. "Seven open questions in the futures of human genome editing." Futures.
Nelson, J.P., C. Selin & C. T. Scott. 2021. “Toward anticipatory governance of human genome editing: a critical review of scholarly governance discourse” Journal of Responsible Innovation.
Andersen, PA, Hansen, M. & C. Selin. 2021. “Stakeholder inclusion in scenario planning—A review of European projects.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change (169).
Scott, C.T. and C. Selin. 2019. "What to Expect When Expecting CRISPR Baby Number Four." The American Journal of Bioethics, 19(3):7-9.
Selin, C., K.C. Rawlings, K. de-Ridder-Vignone, J. Sadowski, C. Altamirano Allende, G. Gano, S. Davies & D. Guston. 2017. "Experiments in Engagement: Designing PEST for Capacity Building." Public Understanding of Science.
Hannah, D. & C. Selin. 2016. "Unseasonal Fashion: A Manifesto." The Avery Review: Critical Essays in Architecture.
Selin, C., L. Kimbell, R. Ramirez & Y. Bhatti. 2015. "Scenarios and Design: Scoping the Dialogue Space." Futures, 74: 4-17.
Selin, C. 2015. “Merging art and design in foresight: Making sense of Emerge.” Futures, 70: 24-35.
Davies, S.R., C. Selin, S. Rodegher, C.Altamirano Allende, M. Burnam-Fink, C. DiVittorio, C. Glerup, C. Keys, M. Kimball, M. Liao, C. Monfreda & B. Trinidad. 2015. “Studying Emerge: Findings from an Event Ethnography.” Futures, 70: 75-85.
Altamirano-Allende, C. & C. Selin. 2015. "Seeing the City: Photography as a Place of Work." Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 1-10.
Selin, C. 2014. “On Not Forgetting Futures.” Journal of Responsible Innovation, 1(1): 103-108.
Ramírez, R. & C. Selin. 2014. “Plausibility and Probability in Scenario Planning.” foresight, 16(1): 54 – 74.Selin, C. & A. Pereira. 2013. “Pursuing Plausibility.” International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 9 (2/3/4): 93 – 109.
Wiek, A., D. Guston, S. van der Leeuw, C. Selin & P. Shapira. 2013. “The Nano-Enhanced City: Sustainability Challenges and Anticipatory Governance.” Journal of Urban Technology, 20(2): 45-62.
Davies, S. R., C. Selin, G. Gano & A. G. Pereira. 2013. “Finding Futures: A Spatio-Visual Experiment in Participatory Engagement.” Leonardo: The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, 46(1): 76-77.
Davies, S. R., C. Selin, G. Gano & A. G. Pereira. 2012. “Citizen Engagement and Urban Change: Three Case Studies of Material Deliberation.” Cities, 29(6): 351-357.
Davies, S. & C. Selin. 2012. "Energy Futures: Five Dilemmas of the Practice of Anticipatory Governance." Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 6(1): 119-136.
Selin, C. 2011. “Negotiating Plausibility: Intervening in the Future of Nanotechnology.” Science and Engineering Ethics, 17(4): 723-737.
Selin, C. & P. Boradkar. 2010. “Prototyping Nanotechnology: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Responsible Innovation.” Journal of Nano Education, 2 (1-2): 1-12.
Selin, C. & R. Hudson. 2010. “Envisioning Nanotechnology: New Media and Future-Oriented Stakeholder Dialogue.” Technology in Society, 32 (3): 173-182.
Selin, C. 2008. “Sociology of the Future: Tracing Stories of Technology and Time.” Sociology Compass, 2 (60): 1875-1895.
Selin, C. 2007. “Expectations and the Emergence of Nanotechnology.” Science, Technology and Human Values, 32 (2): 196-220.
Selin, C. 2006. “Time Matters: Temporal Harmony and Dissonance in Nanotechnology Networks.” Time & Society, 15 (1): 121-139.
Selin, C. 2006. “Trust and the Illusive Force of Scenarios.” Futures 38 (1): 1-14.
Withycombe-Keller, L., M. Bernstein & C. Selin. 2019. “Intervening through Futures for Sustainable Presents: Scenarios, Sustainability and Responsible Research and Innovation.” In Grunwald, A. A Losch, M. Meister & I. Schulz-Schaeffer (eds). Socio-technical Futures Shaping the Present: Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges in Social Studies of Science and Technology Assessment. Springer. 255-282.
Selkirk, K., C. Selin & U. Felt. 2018. “A Festival of Futures: Recognizing and Reckoning Temporal Complexity in Foresight." in Handbook of Anticipation: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Use of Future in Decision Making. Springer.
Konrad, K. H. van Lente, C. Groves, & C. Selin. 2017. "Performing and Governing the Future in Science and Technology.” In Miller C, Smith-Doerr, U Felt & R Fouche (Eds.) The Handbook for Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.Selin, C. & J. Sadowski. 2015. “Against Blank Slate Futuring: Noticing Obduracy in the City through Experiential Methods of Public Engagement.” in Kearnes, M. & J. Chilvers (eds). Remaking Participation: Science, Environment and Emerging Publics. New York: Routledge.
Selin, C. & G. Gano. 2015. “Seeing Differently: Enticing Reflexivity through Mediated Participation in Place in the Futurescape City Tours.” in Gubrium, A. and K. Harper (eds). Engaging Participatory Visual and Digital Methods. Left Coast Press.
Selin, C. 2011. "Travails, Travels, and Trials: Report from the SNET Roundtable on Plausibility." In Zülsdorfet al (eds.) Quantum Engagements: Social Reflections of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies. Heidelberg: AKA GmbH.
Barben, D. Fisher, E., Selin, C. & Guston, D. 2008. “Anticipating Nanotechnology: Governance, Engagement, and Reflexivity.” In Hackett, E. J., Amsterdamska, O., Lynch, M. & Wajcman, J. (Eds.). The New Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition. MIT Press.
Selin, C. 2007. “Professional Dreamers: The Past in the Future of Scenario Planning.” In Sharpe, B. & van der Heijden, K. Scenarios for Success: Turning Insight into Action. London: Wiley.
Selin, C. 2003. “The Art and Science of Scenario Planning.” Danish Anthology on Research Management. Aarhus, DK: Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy: 126-134.BOOKS
Hannah, D., J. Eschrich, B. Cooper & C. Selin. (Eds.) 2018. A Year Without a Winter. Columbia University Press.
Wetmore, J., E. Fisher & C. Selin. (Eds.) 2008. Presenting Futures: Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society. New York: Springer.Selin, C. 2006. Volatile Visions: Transactions in Anticipatory Knowledge. Copenhagen, Denmark: Samfundslitteratur.
Selin, C. et al. 2020. PGET Scenarios Report. Arizona State University, Baylor College of Medicine.
Selin, C. and S. Wasserman. 2019. Open Positioning of Futures Workshop Report. Center for the Study of Futures, Arizona State University.Wasserman, S., L. Lambert & C. Selin. 2019. Future Design: Exploring Affirmative Futures Through an Intergenerational Outlook. White Paper, Center for the Study of Futures, Arizona State University.
Selin, C. & J. Banks. 2014. Futurescape City Tours: A Novel Method for Public Engagement. Center for Nanotechnology in Society.
Selin, C. 2011. Gaming the Future. Center for Nanotechnology in Society Report # R11-0003.
Selin, C. 2011. Scoping Anticipation: A Select Review of Futures Research and Education Programs. Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University.
Davies, S., C. Selin, & Allen, R.* 2010. Solar to Fuels: Interdisciplinary Energy, Policy and Society Workshop. Center for Nanotechnology in Society Report #R10-0002.
Wiek, A. & C. Selin. 2009. The Future of Phoenix- Crafting Sustainable Development Strategies for Phoenix. School of Sustainability, Arizona State University.
Selin, C. 2008. The Future of Medical Diagnostics. Scenario Workshop Report. Center for Nanotechnology in Society Report #R08-0001.
Selin, C. 2008. CNS Visioning Workshop: Creating Scenarios about the Future of Anticipatory Governance. Center for Nanotechnology in Society Report #R08-0003.
Miller, C. A., D. H. Guston, D. Barben, J. Wetmore, C. Selin & E. Fisher. 2007. Nanotechnology and Society: Ideas for Education and Public Engagement. Center for Nanotechnology in Society Report #R07-0001.
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